The Spooky Story About Gustav Gloom
Do you like spooky stories? Well if you do then you will really like Gustav Gloom and the People Taker. “The neighbors thought Gustav Gloom was the unhappiest little boy in the world.” Until one day when a little girl named Fernie What moved in across the street. When she went outside she noticed Gustav looking lonely in his front yard. She ran across the street to try to make a new friend. Fernie made Gustav feel more comfortable because all the neighbors viewed him as odd except for Fernie.
This was a spooky book because there is a People Taker at the Gloom house that takes people if they go…You won’t know till you read this book! The main characters that appear most often in this book are Gustav Gloom, The What family, and finally the People Taker. Fernie What is my favorite character because she acts like me other than she is stubborn and I am not. Pearlie What and Mr. What both act very gullible because they get tricked very easily during the story. The People Taker tricks them into thinking that he is Gustav’s dad when he really is not. I do not like the People Taker because he is a big bully and he takes people. Things are keeping Gustav company, but who? Fernie’s cat startles Fernie in the middle of the night and she ends up in the Gloom mansion to find herself in a mystery.
I give this book a four out of five star rating because it was a really good book. The thing that made this book interesting was when Fernie had to stay in place in order to eat so her shadow could feed her! I would recommend this book for third through fifth graders. The story made me wonder if Fernie will become a main character in the rest of the Gustav Gloom series. If you like this book, then you might want to read the rest of this series by Adam-Troy Castro.
Our November Book Club selection is The Terrible Thing that Happened to Barnaby Brocket. I hope that you will read along with us! Please share your thoughts and questions below.