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My Book Buddy Talks Harry Potter with Junior Blogger Madie

Last month our Founder sat down with Junior Blogger Madie to get her thoughts on our April Book Club selection, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone. Check-out her interview!

MBB: The Harry Potter series is the most popular children’s book series ever written. Why do you think it is so popular? Why do you think kids and adults both like it?

Madie: Well, I think it is so popular because kids like to use their imagination and like to read books that have characters that don’t actually exist. I think they both like it because it is a type of book all people enjoy and it is a newer series and usually people like to read popular book series.

MBB: What are your first impressions of Hogwarts school? What about it makes it seem special and different?

Madie: It is very cool because normal people don’t go there witches and wizards do. There are witches and wizards, and there are magical majestic creatures.

MBB: What are the advantages to Harry not having known how special he is before he starts school? Disadvantages?

Madie: Well the advantage is he won’t have to be with the Dursley’s 24-7. The disadvantages are he won’t have any friends.

MBB: If you could have one magic companion (like in the book) what would it be and why? (Rat, cat ,owl, dragon, or unicorn.)

Madie: I would choose an owl because they are so cute and it is so easy for them to send letters for me.

MBB: One more thing…I’d like to learn how many times you’ve read the book and why you enjoy reading books over and over.

Madie: Well first of all I have read the book two times, and I like to read books over and over because usually the first time you read a book you sometimes miss parts of it. Some other books you might enjoy: The Hungar Games Series by Suzanne Collins, Divergent Series by Veronica Roth, Maze Runner Series by James Dashner.

Please leave your thoughts and comments below. Be sure to join us for our first Book Club meeting on Saturday, May 13th from 10am to 11am to discuss Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone with Madie and other young reading enthusiasts. The Book Club will vote on the next book selection. Click link to RSVP today!

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